
Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Can CBD Oil Help Depression Sufferers?

According to the American Psychiatric Association and the most recent estimates by the World Health Institute, depression is a real emergency of our day and affects one in 15 people every year.
It is a disorder that afflicts millions of people and is one of the most debilitating conditions that people can face in their lives.

Fortunately, every year more and more users diagnosed with some form of depression discover the excellent benefits of CBD oil to treat depression and chronic anxiety. It is a natural option that actually alleviates some of the most serious symptoms. However, a clarification is needed: can CBD cure depression? No, but studies (the last of which by Dr. Phills of Oxford) show that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, a collection of cellular receptors and the corresponding molecules in the human body, which helps regulate essential human functions such as sleep, appetite, mood, pain, and pleasure.

How Do CBD Products Interact With The Human Body To Treat Depression?

Depression can be a condition you are predisposed to (something a person is born with) or caused by an unfortunate event or a trauma. Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of depression are often the same: constant sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite, difficulty sleeping, loss of energy, sense of ineptitude and difficulty in logical reasoning, inability to concentrate or to make decisions.

Human neurochemistry plays a vital role and it is commonly debated in the scientific community whether depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. However, scientists agree that neurotransmitters (the chemicals in the human brain) are in very small numbers during periods when an individual suffers from depression, yet this reduction should be considered more as a symptom rather than a cause.

Two of the neurotransmitters affected during depression are serotonin and dopamine. It is quite common for someone with a bout of depression to feel sad, have a lack of interest in activities, have trouble sleeping and lose energy. Since serotonin and dopamine levels are influenced by factors such as diet, exercise, mental state, and stress levels, research suggests that some people in a state of depression have reduced serotonin and dopamine transmission. And it is precisely here that the use of CBD products comes into play.

Hemp Products to Treat Depression

Cannabidiol (also known as CBD) is one of more than 60 components of all cannabis plants. In the human body, endocannabinoids are molecules that act as chemical messengers in the "endocannabinoid system", the parts of our nervous system that contain cannabinoid cell receptors that respond to cannabinoids and tell the body to activate certain actions. The human body naturally produces its cannabinoids (endogenous or endocannabinoids) with the help of fatty acids present in foods such as nuts, seeds, and fish, but the same receptors bind to the compounds present in cannabis.
Unlike THC, the cannabinoid associated with the psychic alteration effect of marijuana, CBD has a different and more indirect interaction with these cellular receptors. At the same time, CBD has the extraordinary capacity for direct interaction with cellular receptors, including serotonin and dopamine receptors. CBD influences brain activity and releases serotonin and dopamine throughout the human body.

Hemp CBD Oil to Treat Depression

Two recent studies have uncovered excellent benefits of CBD oil such as that offered by excellent realities such as Navira in the treatment of symptoms of depression. During the study of the modulation of the serotonin system through endocannabinoid signaling, the researchers showed that "endocannabinoid are important regulators of stress responses." In states of depression, plant cannabinoids such as CBD have the ability to regulate their response to commonly considered stressful situations.

University researcher José Alexandre Crippa and his colleagues at the University of São Paulo in Brazil and at King's College in London noted that, at high concentrations, CBD directly activates the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor in important anti-anxiety action.

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